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Anzac Day Teams (April 2021)
Results after 8 of 8 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A HUTTON (1)49 8 15 3 1 20 -1 40  135 116.936-2-06.58
2 A PARKER (4)24 49 2 -3 34 15 -3 16  134 116.416-0-24.76
3 A EVANS (3)7 30 15 21 16 -15 1 38  113 114.676-1-13.71
4 A LUCK (7)34 3 5 39 -16 -20 24 0  69 97.815-1-22.64
5 A MACLAURIN (6)1 7 27 33 -1 12 3 -38  44 96.465-2-12.24
6 A WARD (2)0 -7 41 7 -2 14 23 -16  60 95.944-1-31.75
7 A TOON (9)22 15 -15 -7 6 1 1 16  39 93.564-2-21.63
8 A PEMBERTON (5)-22 -8 -3 17 15 23 -1 14  35 91.844-1-31.43
9 A ELLAWAY (10)35 -3 -9 17 -9 19 -23 11  38 90.254-0-41.26
10 A PATTERSON (11)37 -9 29 -21 2 -1 3 0  40 89.374-2-21.32
11 B JENKINS (27)-34 15 9 1 7 45 17 -40  20 89.315-1-21.33
12 B FOX (18)-9 -3 9 16 12 -14 -5 21  27 88.654-0-41.07
13 B BEDI (19)48 -8 9 -33 -1 6 -2 15  34 87.874-1-31.10
14 B WOTHERSPOON (17)18 8 -5 -7 4 20 -17 1  22 87.454-1-31.06
15 C DAVIDSON (32)3 -15 -9 31 1 24 -3 -1  31 87.323-2-30.56
16 A MARTIN (13)12 19 -15 12 9 -12 -24 10  11 85.685-0-30.70
17 A MACLEOD (12)-3 15 -27 10 17 -20 44 -16  20 83.444-0-40.56
18 B HAMILTON (21)-49 10 -2 2 -7 -17 37 29  3 83.224-0-40.56
19 B HYMUS (16)2 15 -29 15 -6 -6 28 -14  5 81.394-0-40.56
20 A KENT (14)-38 -4 24 26 -12 13 2 -11  0 80.964-0-40.56
21 B CHAN (29)-22 8 -9 -2 7 3 31 -15  1 79.174-0-40.56
22 C EVANS (34)38 9 -2 -39 9 -19 5 -10  -9 77.924-0-40.56
23 A ROBERTS (8)12 -8 9 -12 -7 -7 -7 14  -6 76.743-0-50.42
24 A SKEATE (15)25 -49 4 -1 -17 -3 4 1  -36 73.973-2-30.56
25 C KOSTER (33)-12 3 1 -37 10 17 -28 6  -40 71.754-1-30.63
26 C WLODARZYK (36)-2 -15 2 30 -9 -13 -6 -1  -14 71.572-1-50.35
27 C BRAZIER (37)-18 7 -1 -26 -9 2 1 15  -29 71.413-2-30.56
28 C POLLETT (31)-37 4 16 -15 7 7 -44 6  -56 70.825-0-30.70
29 B GAMBLE (24)-24 18 -4 37 -4 -45 6 -21  -37 70.393-0-50.42
30 B RANKE (26)-1 -15 3 -10 -32 17 -4 6  -36 69.233-1-40.49
31 B MURTAGH (22)0 15 6 7 -34 -24 7 -29  -52 68.514-1-30.63
32 C WELCH (35)-25 -18 -3 19 32 -23 -7 -6  -31 67.142-0-60.28
33 C STEVENS (38)9 -19 -41 -17 6 -2 -9 25  -48 66.903-0-50.42
34 B SNOOK (30)-35 -15 3 -3 9 -7 9 -6  -45 66.863-0-50.42
35 B NILSSON (20)-8 26 -6 -17 -15 18 -31 -6  -39 65.462-0-60.28
36 B MCDONALD (23)-7 -26 3 -31 6 7 7 -14  -55 64.784-0-40.56
37 B BENNETT (25)22 -15 -9 -16 -7 -18 -37 32  -48 62.372-0-60.28
38 C POWELL (40)8 -30 -3 -30 -6 9 -1 -25  -78 57.372-1-50.35
39 B WEBB (28)-12 -7 -16 3 -10 -17 1 -32  -90 49.441-1-60.21
40 C HALL (39)-48 -10 -24 -19 -6 -9 -1 -15  -132 39.670-1-70.07
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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