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Arana Teams (June 2022)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A FRANCIS (2)13 0 -2 26 32 56 15  140 105.425-1-14.98
2 A FOX (9)-11 -4 23 28 11 40 -15  72 87.994-0-33.51
3 A WANIGARATNE (10)8 16 -37 25 -2 12 24  46 87.595-0-22.85
4 A PARKER (3)20 7 10 2 -35 31 6  41 85.716-0-12.33
5 A GIBSON (8)25 -16 32 -10 2 -7 33  59 83.824-0-31.67
6 A FARQUHAR (12)26 7 34 6 35 -56 -24  28 83.655-0-21.62
7 A TULLY (1)50 -5 37 -6 -9 7 -6  68 81.803-0-41.16
8 B MILLS (14)-50 23 8 -28 11 14 24  2 78.555-0-21.39
9 A RICHARD WALLIS (5)30 5 -10 6 -11 5 3  28 78.295-0-21.31
10 A EVANS (7)-23 6 4 20 -5 -7 34  29 77.594-0-30.64
11 B PEREIRA (25)-26 36 28 10 9 -40 -3  14 75.814-0-30.64
12 A JAMES WALLIS (4)13 0 -31 24 5 -5 5  11 75.514-1-20.72
13 A O'BRIEN (11)21 -7 2 -6 -13 24 -5  16 72.933-0-40.48
14 B JENKINS (16)-20 -15 -10 25 -11 16 19  4 69.673-0-40.48
15 A LUCK (6)25 -7 31 -2 -32 7 -33  -11 67.663-0-40.48
16 B SHARDLOW (20)23 16 -34 -26 26 -31 5  -21 67.164-0-30.64
17 B HAMILTON-REEN (21)-25 -6 10 31 13 -12 -24  -13 65.373-0-40.48
18 A KENT (13)-5 4 -28 38 -26 -7 7  -17 63.393-0-40.48
19 B WIECKHORST (24)-21 15 -4 -25 16 -14 5  -28 61.973-0-40.48
20 B VICKERS (22)11 -16 4 -20 22 -24 -5  -28 61.343-0-40.48
21 B WONG (26)5 -22 -4 15 -22 -16 9  -35 59.763-0-40.48
22 B MORRISS (23)-8 22 -32 -31 6 7 -5  -41 59.713-0-40.48
23 B AGAR (19)-25 -36 28 -15 -6 6 -7  -55 53.302-0-50.32
24 B TAIT (15)-13 8 -8 -24 -16 -4 -9  -66 47.391-0-60.16
25 B KOSTER (17)-13 -8 -23 -38 22 -6 -19  -85 43.841-0-60.16
26 B WEBB (18)-30 -23 -28 -25 -22 4 -34  -158 24.781-0-60.16
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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