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Pair 2 EW - Denise O'regan / Cristel Philp
Place this match: 2
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   X-Imps   
Board 110: Maree Filippini / Jennifer Bavage2NT W8120 -0.12  
Board 210: Maree Filippini / Jennifer Bavage4S E9-50 -7.72  
Board 310: Maree Filippini / Jennifer Bavage3S N9-140 1.44  
Board 410: Maree Filippini / Jennifer Bavage3NT S11-660 9.08  
Board 521: Dell Munns / Lorraine RigbyPAS S=0 0.32  
Board 621: Dell Munns / Lorraine Rigby3NT W11660 7.44  
Board 721: Dell Munns / Lorraine Rigby1NT S6100 1.16  
Board 821: Dell Munns / Lorraine Rigby4D N950 -1.52  
Board 98: Maureen Jakes / Abigail Wanigaratne4H E10620 3.92  
Board 108: Maureen Jakes / Abigail WanigaratnePAS S=0 -0.44  
Board 118: Maureen Jakes / Abigail Wanigaratne3S N9-140 -1.48  
Board 128: Maureen Jakes / Abigail Wanigaratne3HX W10630 11.58  
Board 139: Ken Cupples / Don Cameron4D S8200 4.48  
Board 149: Ken Cupples / Don Cameron2S N750 3.24  
Board 159: Ken Cupples / Don Cameron4S W11450 2.16  
Board 169: Ken Cupples / Don Cameron3NT S11-460 -3.48  
Board 173: Peter Munro / Kathy Males4H S10-420 -7.16  
Board 183: Peter Munro / Kathy Males3S E8-50 3.36  
Board 193: Peter Munro / Kathy Males4D W9-100 -1.48  
Board 203: Peter Munro / Kathy Males  adj 0.00  
Board 217: Yolande Coroneo / Jane Farquhar4S W7-150 -2.48  
Board 227: Yolande Coroneo / Jane Farquhar5D S1050 8.32  
Board 237: Yolande Coroneo / Jane Farquhar3NT W9600 6.20  
Board 247: Yolande Coroneo / Jane Farquhar4H N11-450 -0.58  
Board 2515: Robot01 / Ahmad Geybi4H W10620 4.84  
Board 2615: Robot01 / Ahmad Geybi3NT N8100 3.88  
Board 2715: Robot01 / Ahmad Geybi5CX W10-100 -1.64  
Board 2815: Robot01 / Ahmad Geybi3NT N10-630 -5.96  

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