Pair 14 - Maureen Jakes / Abigail Wanigaratne
Place this match: 8, Percentage: 59.85%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 31 12: Wendy Gibson / Linda Norman 2 E
KH 7 50 6 27% Board 32 12: Wendy Gibson / Linda Norman PASS = 0 11 50% Board 33 12: Wendy Gibson / Linda Norman 4 N
AH 8 -100 7 32% Board 34 12: Wendy Gibson / Linda Norman 3 E
KS 8 50 15 68% Board 35 12: Wendy Gibson / Linda Norman 5 S
KC 11 450 19 86% Board 36 12: Wendy Gibson / Linda Norman 5 W
KH 8 300 21 95%
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