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Bundaberg Swiss Team (July 2017)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A HARRIS (1)5 -6 1 28 23 36 32  119 103.145-1-14.73
2 A GOERG (7)38 2 2 9 31 29 -32  79 92.736-0-13.66
3 B MAYES (11)47 25 -5 -9 -11 12 9  68 85.754-0-32.57
4 B MASON (10)8 2 33 -2 11 -29 26  49 85.525-0-22.08
5 A CUPPLES (3)11 -2 -6 -20 13 21 21  38 82.394-0-31.60
6 A MCGHEE (4)5 0 6 4 8 -19 16  20 78.535-1-11.65
7 C CAMERON (20)7 6 -2 -18 11 -11 38  31 77.834-0-31.28
8 A STEVENS (6)17 28 5 2 -31 19 -21  19 77.725-0-21.35
9 A PHILP (8)-7 22 15 -4 -23 -10 32  25 75.483-0-40.48
10 A JONES (2)-2 -4 1 -28 37 10 5  19 75.073-1-30.56
11 B RONNING (17)-13 6 12 20 17 -36 -9  -3 71.654-0-30.64
12 B VICKERS (16)-5 -22 -1 27 11 2 -5  7 71.383-1-30.56
13 A FAIRCLOTH (9)40 -25 -33 -27 26 2 17  0 69.844-0-30.64
14 A BUNDESEN (5)13 -28 7 -7 -11 5 10  -11 68.384-0-30.64
15 B GLATTER (12)33 -2 -15 18 -17 -2 -16  -1 66.632-0-50.32
16 B MCCLEAN (13)-5 4 -12 27 -8 11 -26  -9 66.383-0-40.48
17 B VERDEL (14)2 0 -1 7 -12 -21 6  -19 64.543-2-20.64
18 B BLACK (18)-17 -6 14 9 12 -12 -38  -38 60.743-0-40.48
19 C ALLAN (22)-8 1 -1 -9 -26 12 -2  -33 59.271-2-40.32
20 B GOODWIN (15)-11 -1 -7 25 -11 -2 -32  -39 56.571-1-50.24
21 C POTTER (19)-38 0 -2 15 -13 -5 -6  -49 55.721-1-50.24
22 C MANZAU (24)-33 0 1 -25 -5 1 2  -59 53.361-3-30.40
23 C CHARTERS (21)-40 -12 2 -27 5 -12 -10  -94 42.742-0-50.32
24 C LIDDLE (23)-47 12 -14 -15 -37 -1 -17  -119 38.641-1-50.24
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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