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Maryborough Swiss Teams (July 2018)
Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A BROOKES (1)38 -17 29 8 19 27  104 88.175-0-14.49
2 A ALLAN (4)15 29 6 10 -8 36  88 84.825-0-13.41
3 A STONEMAN (6)39 17 15 -10 -18 38  81 79.734-0-22.52
4 A PRIOL (3)6 -1 -22 25 31 25  64 77.944-1-12.01
5 A KIPPING (5)9 43 -6 14 18 -27  51 73.684-0-21.62
6 A RUTTIMAN (7)34 13 -15 24 8 -25  39 70.924-0-21.44
7 A BECKETT (8)0 -22 -12 27 36 -3  26 64.552-1-31.05
8 A MELLINGS (2)-7 40 25 -8 -31 3  22 64.043-0-31.05
9 C MANZAU (22)-17 5 -22 17 7 10  0 61.534-0-20.72
10 B MASON (10)-8 17 22 -14 -19 6  4 60.753-0-30.54
11 B LOGAN (18)-34 -5 35 1 -36 31  -8 57.892-1-30.45
12 B MCGHEE (13)7 1 -29 36 -12 -6  -3 57.612-1-30.45
13 B AKHTAR (12)-38 53 20 -24 21 -36  -4 57.403-0-30.54
14 B VERDEL (9)13 -29 22 -2 12 -38  -22 57.313-0-30.54
15 B MAYES (11)17 -13 -20 -36 46 1  -5 56.282-1-30.45
16 C BRAZIER (20)-13 -2 -3 -27 9 17  -19 54.722-0-40.36
17 B TIPLER (14)-6 22 -25 -1 -7 -1  -18 53.671-2-30.36
18 B MCCLEAN (15)-15 2 12 2 -21 -10  -30 50.793-0-30.54
19 C GILMORE (21)8 -43 3 -17 13 -31  -67 45.073-0-30.54
20 C POTTER (19)0 -40 14 -25 -9 -3  -63 43.581-1-40.27
21 B GOODWIN (16)-9 -17 -14 5 -13 -17  -65 38.461-0-50.18
22 B MORRIS (17)-39 -53 -35 -5 -46 3  -175 21.091-0-50.18
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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