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Caloundra Graded Teams - A Grade (April 2019)
Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place Team M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 TRELOAR (1)-1 18 11 4 17 49  98 86.305-1-05.22
2 BROOKES (3)6 7 -16 19 24 26  66 80.075-0-13.97
3 TOUTON (2)13 -7 8 29 -17 30  56 75.314-0-22.95
4 FEENEY (12)-2 13 16 4 15 -49  -3 65.494-0-22.33
5 ZELLER (4)12 7 9 -4 -24 11  11 65.374-0-22.02
6 RANKE (14)22 16 -9 -4 3 -26  2 60.823-0-30.81
7 HARRIS (6)17 -16 -8 -19 6 17  -3 59.103-0-30.81
8 ROBERTS (10)-6 -18 -27 42 -4 16  3 57.752-0-40.54
9 LAWS (11)-12 38 -11 31 -15 -30  1 56.312-0-40.54
10 STONEMAN (8)1 -13 27 -29 -3 3  -14 55.612-1-30.68
11 PERRY (9)-13 -38 11 5 -6 -3  -44 48.662-0-40.54
12 RUSK (7)-22 7 -11 -5 4 -17  -44 46.252-0-40.54
13 LUCK (5)2 -7 11 -31 -9 -16  -50 45.282-0-40.54
14 ROGERS (13)-17 -7 -11 -42 9 -11  -79 37.681-0-50.27
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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