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Qld Mixed Teams (March 2020)
Results after 8 of 8 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A FRANCIS (1)-10 54 8 -8 -7 52 40 90  219 112.765-0-310.36
2 A HALFORD (10)34 -9 -8 30 2 37 29 29  144 111.985-1-28.09
3 A ZHOU (4)63 9 30 9 33 22 -40 14  140 111.167-0-17.07
4 A CROWLEY (6)16 -34 64 9 -2 15 14 -14  68 93.035-1-25.06
5 A STONEMAN (11)22 -11 79 8 -5 -37 -3 38  91 92.454-0-43.75
6 A PARKER (2)5 50 27 -9 5 17 -29 -12  54 90.755-0-33.75
7 A LUCK (9)-4 19 35 -12 30 -22 31 -29  48 89.764-0-43.06
8 A TOUTON (3)-19 42 -35 -9 7 60 3 12  61 89.725-0-33.28
9 A FRENCH (12)1 -19 -26 59 -22 13 17 32  55 88.934-1-32.92
10 A BROOKES (5)10 -50 26 53 -5 17 -14 -6  31 86.854-0-41.68
11 A OLSEN (7)13 32 -27 -9 7 29 -31 6  20 85.525-0-32.10
12 A GREEN (8)19 34 -30 23 5 -17 28 -90  -28 85.165-0-32.10
13 B JENKINS (15)-5 -54 11 60 22 -17 41 -38  20 83.204-0-41.68
14 B BECKETT (17)-63 36 -64 11 -7 54 -41 52  -22 79.934-0-41.68
15 A HAWKINS (13)-4 -10 5 52 -30 -29 -1 28  11 79.453-1-41.47
16 B QUIGLEY (14)10 -32 -5 9 -3 -13 39 -10  -5 77.393-0-51.26
17 B ROBERTSON (23)-34 -36 8 54 23 -52 1 10  -26 76.234-1-31.89
18 B PERRIN (18)-10 11 5 -30 -23 -54 17 58  -26 73.764-0-41.68
19 B O'DEMPSEY (16)19 11 23 12 -33 -15 -28 -32  -43 71.884-0-41.68
20 B HERTELENDY (19)-16 -42 -8 -11 36 29 -17 -2  -31 70.752-1-51.05
21 B LONG (22)4 40 -23 -23 3 -60 17 -28  -70 66.884-0-41.68
22 B POWER (20)-13 -11 16 -52 -3 -36 31 2  -66 66.792-1-51.05
23 B HAGAN (21)-19 21 -5 -53 3 -29 -17 17  -82 63.173-0-51.26
24 B WAGNER (26)4 -40 -16 -59 -11 29 -17 -17  -127 52.822-0-60.84
25 B BEHRENS (24)-22 -21 -11 -54 11 36 -39 -52  -152 49.022-0-60.84
26 B DELGADO (25)-1 10 -79 -60 -36 -29 -31 -58  -284 30.661-1-60.63
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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