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BBC Easter Teams - B Grade (April 2021)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 KENT (1)94 90.796-0-04.47
2 KOSTER (5)30 71.874-0-23.08
3 CHAN (2)40 71.144-1-12.57
4 TAYLOR (6)33 67.593-1-21.83
5 JENKINS (9)30 66.662-1-31.34
6 BRISTOW (10)-1 63.324-0-20.90
7 LAHEY (7)0 60.582-3-10.79
8 JEFFRIES (4)3 60.222-2-20.68
9 LOTH (8)-3 59.253-0-30.68
10 CHUA (12)-3 58.833-0-30.68
11 CHAMBERLIN (11)-21 52.492-0-40.45
12 BELLIS (3)-32 49.282-0-40.45
13 AITCHESON (14)-72 37.731-0-50.22
14 WILLIAMS (13)-98 30.250-0-6  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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