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BBC Easter Teams - C Grade (April 2021)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 THOMSON (3)100 86.955-1-03.48
2 TAGNEY (12)85 76.893-1-22.37
3 CLIFFORD (6)60 74.864-0-21.97
4 ROXBOROUGH (5)36 70.133-2-11.55
5 CUTHBERT (9)38 69.913-0-31.16
6 THOMPSON (11)12 65.384-0-20.72
7 BENNETT (13)-7 58.013-0-30.54
8 PHILLIPPO (4)-16 55.593-0-30.54
9 JAYNE (1)-43 55.413-1-20.63
10 LEAL (8)-29 50.552-0-40.36
11 POPE (7)-74 47.982-0-40.36
12 COOPER (10)-70 43.932-0-40.36
13 CORNEY (14)-36 42.901-1-40.27
14 HANDA (2)-56 41.511-0-50.18
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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