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Arana Teams (February 2022)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A TOON (5)30 4 17 29 33 7 25  145 113.107-0-05.69
2 A VINCENT (1)17 13 -17 7 23 13 44  100 99.246-0-14.16
3 A FOX (12)-15 -8 -2 24 48 17 24  88 91.164-0-32.93
4 A MOSES (2)-1 49 -12 24 -43 32 3  52 82.434-1-22.24
5 A PERRIN (8)-9 32 19 2 43 -7 -44  36 79.554-0-31.78
6 A HALE (6)2 5 24 -2 -5 27 -24  27 77.874-0-31.55
7 C VAN BEEST (27)15 -13 4 34 5 5 -25  25 77.795-0-21.56
8 B WANIGARATNE (16)-17 8 22 -18 49 -5 3  42 77.494-0-31.29
9 B JENKINS (20)-30 -3 23 21 27 -13 -3  22 76.073-0-41.05
10 A HYLAND (11)8 3 8 -24 -4 17 3  11 75.555-0-21.31
11 A SCRIVENS (7)15 9 12 -29 -27 20 3  3 74.725-0-20.80
12 B WEBER (19)21 1 -19 14 -6 6 -3  14 74.583-1-30.56
13 C MORRIS (24)-8 -3 -6 -4 31 12 -3  19 73.172-0-50.32
14 B KENT (13)21 -4 -5 -7 4 -6 9  12 72.893-0-40.48
15 A NILSSON (10)-18 6 6 22 6 -17 -3  2 71.144-0-30.64
16 B KOSTER (18)-7 3 53 -24 22 -27 2  22 71.084-0-30.64
17 A MUKHERJEE (9)8 0 -3 -34 1 25 -2  -5 69.962-2-30.48
18 B GIBBARDS (21)-2 11 -8 -14 10 -20 20  -3 68.933-0-40.48
19 A LUCK (4)-21 -6 27 -21 -1 -1 19  -4 67.442-2-30.48
20 C BURKE (25)18 -1 5 24 -33 -32 -1  -20 66.973-2-20.64
21 B ROHDE (17)1 -5 -22 4 -10 1 19  -12 66.052-2-30.48
22 B MCINTYRE (14)8 0 -24 -1 -48 31 1  -33 64.342-3-20.56
23 A SLATER (3)7 -3 3 18 -23 -12 -9  -19 63.823-0-40.48
24 C WEBB (26)-8 8 -4 -22 -31 7 28  -22 63.713-0-40.48
25 C SRIPRAKASH (23)9 -9 -53 -24 9 20 -20  -68 56.143-0-40.48
26 B GASKILL (22)-15 -32 -23 22 36 -17 -19  -48 53.142-0-50.32
27 C BENES (29)-8 -8 2 23 -22 -25 -15  -53 52.102-0-50.32
28 C GILMOUR (28)-21 3 3 1 -49 -20 -28  -111 41.802-1-40.40
29 C POWELL (30)1 -49 -27 -22 -9 -31 15  -122 38.921-1-50.24
30 B LOOK (15)-1 -11 -3 -23 -36 -7 -19  -100 38.850-1-60.08
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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