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Northern Suburbs Teams (January 2023)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A HAY (6)27 23 -3 -12 11 25 16  87 96.415-0-25.37
2 A CORONEO (8)2 44 27 26 0 -25 8  82 92.045-1-14.08
3 B MCCARTHY (12)17 7 12 12 0 -1 9  56 90.315-2-03.25
4 A HOENIG (2)-8 20 -6 22 16 1 13  58 88.444-1-22.24
5 B MURTAGH (13)28 -23 20 -4 16 14 -8  43 83.064-0-31.78
6 A KEMPTHORNE (4)33 -16 6 0 25 3 -9  42 81.074-1-21.63
7 A WALLIS (5)43 -12 -6 -9 49 -10 13  68 80.643-0-41.24
8 A GEHRKE (7)3 12 -12 3 5 14 2  27 80.416-0-11.61
9 A BLOCH (9)21 5 -1 4 3 10 -16  26 79.515-1-11.45
10 A TRELOAR (3)31 16 3 -26 -16 23 -2  29 78.364-0-31.15
11 A PERERA (10)-3 -44 9 20 21 -14 25  14 77.864-0-30.64
12 B ROHDE (16)3 24 1 24 -11 -3 -13  25 76.293-1-30.56
13 B MACKAY (20)-43 37 1 6 -5 19 -1  14 75.973-2-20.64
14 B KRAWCZYK (17)8 -12 -4 -12 2 18 9  9 72.984-0-30.64
15 A WILLIAMS (11)17 -5 6 -24 -8 20 1  7 72.593-1-30.56
16 A STRONG (1)-3 -20 30 -3 8 -23 11  0 69.473-0-40.48
17 C GREENFIELD (24)-21 26 -1 18 -25 11 -13  -5 68.483-1-30.56
18 B DYER (18)-31 12 4 -6 5 -20 21  -15 67.384-0-30.64
19 B RADKE (15)35 12 -27 0 -16 -11 0  -7 66.042-2-30.48
20 B MORGAN (19)-33 -12 35 12 -49 15 0  -32 65.513-1-30.56
21 C MACDONALD (25)3 -18 -17 17 -14 30 -9  -8 65.233-0-40.48
22 C BENNETT (29)-10 24 2 9 -3 -14 -25  -17 64.113-0-40.48
23 B YOUNG (22)-3 13 -2 -22 -21 -15 29  -21 61.952-0-50.32
24 C TAGNEY (26)-17 -26 -3 49 14 -19 -11  -13 59.932-0-50.32
25 C BARRIDGE (28)-28 9 16 -18 -5 -18 5  -39 58.913-0-40.48
26 C WIECKHORST (23)-2 -13 -30 -4 30 -30 12  -37 58.812-0-50.32
27 B ZHANG (14)10 -7 -20 -20 -2 4 -5  -40 56.852-0-50.32
28 B MCCLINTOCK (21)-27 -9 -9 4 -8 36 -21  -34 56.342-0-50.32
29 C GRGIC (27)-17 -24 3 -17 8 -4 -12  -63 49.522-0-50.32
30 C ROBERTSON (30)-35 -37 -35 -49 -30 -36 -29  -251 6.590-0-7  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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