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Bundaberg Swiss Teams (July 2023)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch VPs (click to show Imps)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A PRIOL (12)8.7317.874.0017.3117.6915.2315.23 86 96.065-0-23.85
2 A STONEMAN (4)17.5010.0016.0014.098.736.2213.45 50 85.994-1-22.86
3 A ALLAN (1)8.7318.3718.9713.7811.274.779.14 57 85.034-0-32.17
4 B NITSCHKE (2)11.271.6318.536.2212.7716.2314.68 33 81.335-0-21.82
5 A CAMERON (3)16.4614.3915.236.2210.4413.784.77 33 81.294-1-21.48
6 A MANZAU (6)13.1220.004.775.9115.2310.8610.86 55 80.755-0-21.41
7 A BECKETT (7)18.8310.001.0310.0016.903.7717.69 28 78.223-2-20.64
8 A LAYTON (8)15.755.618.732.6915.2310.4414.96 8 73.413-1-30.56
9 A ETHELL (5)12.426.8814.9613.789.569.146.55 10 73.293-1-30.56
10 B MCLAUGHLAN (16) 6 67.662-1-40.40
11 A STEVENS (9)5.0411.2712.4210.004.778.7315.23 -8 67.463-1-30.56
12 B MAYES (11)3.546.881.4713.1211.6718.0412.42 -13 67.144-0-30.64
13 B CHENOWETH (15)6.888.7319.509.143.109.567.58 -4 64.491-1-50.24
14 B VERDEL (14)7.582.1310.4413.457.2318.045.04 -16 63.912-1-40.40
15 A ZIMMERMAN (10)11.2713.1211.2710.862.3111.272.31 -33 62.415-0-20.80
16 B RONNING (13)2.5012.777.589.564.771.9619.37 -31 58.512-1-40.40
17 B SERRA (17)4.2513.125.0410.442.501.964.77 -90 42.081-1-50.24
18 B MASON (18)14.960.000.506.558.330.000.63 -171 30.971-0-60.16
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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