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Surfers Teams (May 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch VPs (click to show Imps)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A RICHMAN (1)19.5019.2413.1211.6711.6717.5010.44 116 103.146-1-05.38
2 A LANGDON (2)14.3912.7711.679.5618.0418.379.56 79 94.365-2-04.00
3 A LU (3)17.5012.4218.838.3316.461.6314.39 62 89.565-0-22.97
4 A BRAITHWAITE (13)18.2119.116.8817.693.546.8816.90 76 89.214-0-32.09
5 A FOX (9)20.0016.007.5810.448.3313.1212.42 82 87.894-1-21.81
6 A STRONG (7)18.530.897.5816.9016.6816.467.58 47 84.624-0-31.51
7 A GEARING (4)15.500.7615.237.2319.246.5519.50 53 84.014-0-31.36
8 B BRAKE (19)4.779.144.7717.6914.6815.7516.68 45 83.484-0-31.26
9 A LUCK (5)15.2319.2412.422.311.9611.6719.85 48 82.685-0-21.34
10 A PALFREYMAN (10)2.695.0412.4219.743.3218.9720.00 87 82.184-0-31.12
11 A BURICA (8)17.115.919.1417.8718.042.505.61 28 76.183-0-40.48
12 A HOMIK (11)16.0014.091.1713.1212.4213.453.10 -3 73.355-0-20.80
13 A BEATTIE (6)7.5820.008.3314.091.9614.963.32 20 70.243-0-40.48
14 A SAWYER (14)19.620.7610.866.880.7614.0917.11 -5 70.084-0-30.64
15 B LYONS (18)4.5010.8615.755.6117.315.048.73 -2 67.803-0-40.48
16 C MCCONAGHY (25)4.0013.784.778.337.2317.5011.27 -6 66.883-0-40.48
17 C ROLLS (24)17.317.5813.785.9117.113.540.50 -18 65.733-0-40.48
18 B LEIVERS (16)5.610.007.589.1417.874.7719.37 -25 64.342-0-50.32
19 B BARIC (20)12.427.2312.4212.772.8915.230.15 -37 63.114-0-30.64
20 C GREEN (23)0.0010.445.0415.7512.774.7712.05 -58 60.823-1-30.56
21 A HOWARD (12)19.854.006.2214.397.588.330.00 -51 60.372-0-50.32
22 B BURKE (17)2.5014.9615.232.135.3215.232.89 -44 58.263-0-40.48
23 C BILLS (26)0.159.5614.9611.672.695.918.73 -62 53.672-1-40.40
24 B KUBLER (15)0.5011.2714.963.1018.684.250.63 -65 53.393-0-40.48
25 C COSGRAVE (22)2.896.2212.050.262.1316.2311.27 -73 51.053-0-40.48
26 B VENTER (21)1.4712.054.252.3119.371.037.95 -71 48.432-0-50.32
27 C KEARNEY (28)0.388.737.954.250.632.5014.09 -115 38.531-0-60.16
28 C JONES (27)1.797.955.0410.861.323.775.91 -108 36.641-0-60.16
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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