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Arana Teams (June 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A GOSNEY (7)32 11 6 6 13 12 -4  76 95.016-0-14.81
2 A AFFLICK (4)28 -17 33 19 -13 5 16  71 90.225-0-23.50
3 B BEDI (17)12 17 1 4 -8 28 4  58 88.845-1-12.81
4 A MAGEE (3)4 41 -1 -19 25 -12 29  67 86.174-1-22.00
5 B TRACEY (19)-32 33 26 10 12 -6 6  49 86.015-0-21.76
6 A WOOLLONS (6)10 9 7 -4 6 -5 23  46 85.815-0-21.57
7 A MORGAN (11)43 6 -6 12 8 6 -16  53 84.435-0-21.44
8 B HYLAND (15)-4 9 26 -12 -6 28 -6  35 78.283-0-41.03
9 A MALINAS (12)-3 -9 8 -8 29 2 7  26 77.124-0-30.64
10 A WARD (1)-6 1 -8 44 0 -7 14  38 77.092-2-30.48
11 A PARKER (2)45 -6 14 -6 -12 7 -23  19 71.393-0-40.48
12 B WIKMAN (20)-36 -33 23 23 -15 6 24  -8 70.654-0-30.64
13 A DAWSON (5)-12 39 -7 6 0 -28 3  1 68.113-1-30.56
14 B JENKINS (13)6 -12 20 -10 24 -28 -7  -7 67.213-0-40.48
15 A STANTON (9)9 12 -14 -6 15 -2 -29  -15 66.623-0-40.48
16 B MALES (18)-10 10 -26 -10 27 5 -14  -18 63.493-0-40.48
17 A WOOLLEY (10)11 -9 -26 -30 1 36 -3  -20 62.992-1-40.40
18 C BELLIS (22)-11 -10 4 -44 4 -6 20  -43 59.513-0-40.48
19 A MCLAUCHLAN (8)36 -11 -33 8 -24 -8 0  -32 59.012-1-40.40
20 C PAGE (21)-9 -1 -4 30 -25 -5 -24  -38 55.951-1-50.24
21 B BORG (16)-28 -39 -23 43 -27 5 19  -50 55.643-0-40.48
22 B MILLS (14)-45 21 -20 10 -29 8 -19  -74 52.683-0-40.48
23 C WEBSTER (24)3 -41 -8 -23 -1 -5 -20  -95 42.241-1-50.24
24 C KENNARD (23)-43 -21 8 -43 -4 -36 0  -139 35.531-1-50.24
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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