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Moreton Bribie Swiss Teams (July 2024)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A RUNTING (1)201 107.496-0-03.85
2 A WATSON (4)62 79.664-1-12.75
3 A WEBB (6)60 76.184-0-22.11
4 A STANDFAST (8)5 65.044-0-21.64
5 A THOMPSON (5)-7 62.344-0-21.41
6 A GIBBARDS (2)8 61.203-0-31.09
7 B HASTED (11)-2 61.083-2-10.72
8 B PARKER (10)4 60.803-0-30.54
9 B TYLER (13)-3 58.452-1-30.45
10 B KINROSS (12)-1 57.703-0-30.54
11 B HAYS (9)-41 54.242-2-20.54
12 A WEYLING (3)-27 52.052-0-40.36
13 A NADEBAUM (7)-31 48.181-0-50.18
14 B LOCK (16)-44 46.421-1-40.27
15 B DAVIES (14)-69 41.501-1-40.27
16 B O'REILLY (15)-115 27.671-0-50.18
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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