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Bundaberg Swiss Teams (July 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A STRUIK (12)25 19 -2 -16 16 23 44  109 99.985-0-23.85
2 A ALLAN (1)11 12 2 12 40 -1 15  91 98.266-1-03.18
3 A STONEMAN (2)8 4 35 16 -4 25 -15  69 90.005-0-22.33
4 A ZELLER (8)29 -19 26 20 4 1 -16  45 82.744-1-21.74
5 A MANZAU (7)19 -12 0 7 -16 7 16  21 77.384-1-21.48
6 B DAY (5)2 -1 0 -12 26 -31 23  7 72.303-2-21.25
7 A CHANTLER (6)23 -1 15 -20 -40 -1 21  -3 71.943-2-20.64
8 B WRIGHT (18)22 1 -35 9 -15 -15 50  17 71.223-1-30.56
9 B JANSEN (16)-19 36 -26 15 15 -25 7  3 71.054-0-30.64
10 A DOAK (9)-22 -7 4 1 38 31 -44  1 70.473-1-30.56
11 B MASON (11)-8 20 -15 4 -26 15 0  -10 67.323-1-30.56
12 B SERRA (15)-23 7 7 -9 18 -7 -7  -14 65.443-0-40.48
13 B MATTHEWS (13)-4 1 0 -7 -18 9 0  -19 63.451-3-30.40
14 B TIPLER (3)-25 2 0 -1 -31 14 10  -31 63.133-2-20.64
15 A MCCLEAN (4)4 -4 -7 -4 31 -23 -21  -24 60.302-0-50.32
16 B RONNING (10)-11 -36 -4 16 2 1 -10  -42 58.022-1-40.40
17 B VINEGRAD (17)-29 -2 8 -15 -2 -9 -23  -72 47.401-0-60.16
18 A BUNDESEN (14)-2 -20 -8 -16 -38 -14 -50  -148 29.600-0-7  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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