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Surfers Swiss Teams (July 2024)
Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A LI (1)4 -7 63 24 27 33  144 92.125-0-13.67
2 B GILBERG (9)-4 -7 12 15 26 0  42 72.383-1-22.57
3 A STRONG (4)1 -14 13 -5 -2 53  46 67.382-1-31.84
4 A SUTTON (5)21 -10 26 -24 -14 28  27 66.233-0-31.46
5 A MALES (8)15 -2 -4 5 48 -33  29 66.003-0-31.23
6 A ZHANG (6)13 2 -23 -15 36 3  16 63.614-0-21.27
7 A RADKE (2)9 7 13 4 -26 -3  4 63.344-0-20.72
8 A WEERASINGHE (3)0 14 23 -4 -48 9  -6 63.273-1-20.63
9 B SLOANE (11)0 9 4 17 -27 0  3 62.773-2-10.72
10 B SAWYER (15)-18 -2 11 3 14 -9  -1 60.003-0-30.54
11 B CONROY (10)-9 7 -63 15 -14 58  -6 59.613-0-30.54
12 A TOPFNER (7)18 10 -13 -17 2 -14  -14 55.443-0-30.54
13 B NORMAN (12)-1 -9 -12 9 14 -28  -27 52.392-1-30.45
14 B PANDYA (14)-13 -16 -11 -15 0 14  -41 46.131-1-40.27
15 B LEIVERS (13)-21 2 -13 -9 0 -58  -99 36.651-1-40.27
16 HOUSE (16)-15 16 -26 -3 -36 -53  -117 32.681-0-50.18
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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