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QCBC Graded Teams B Grade (July 2024)
Results after 7 of 7 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 KNOX (2)69 95.437-0-03.00
2 ROBERTSON (1)52 84.994-0-31.94
3 MCGOWAN (5)21 75.684-0-31.59
4 THOMPSON (8)11 73.794-0-30.72
5 CASEY (7)1 70.073-0-40.54
6 SHARDLOW (3)0 68.343-0-40.54
7 MULCAHY (4)-40 59.173-0-40.54
8 MALES (6)-114 32.530-0-7  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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