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Qld One-Session Teams of Three - C Grade (July 2024)
Results after 3 of 3 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place Team M1M2M3   Imps VPs W‑D‑LGreen pts
1 FOX (6)37 -6 46  77 46.952-0-10.13
2 COLLINS (3)16 6 32  54 46.603-0-00.19
3 AFFLICK (2)-37 20 5  -12 29.142-0-10.13
4 DWERRYHOUSE (4)11 9 -32  -12 28.862-0-10.13
5 TAIT (5)5 -9 -5  -9 26.551-0-20.06
6 GIBSON (7)-16 -20 28  -8 26.081-0-20.06
7 GEARING (1)-5 14 -46  -37 22.911-0-20.06
8 MANDER (8)-11 -14 -28  -53 12.910-0-3  
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