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Sunshine Coast Interclub Teams - B Grade (August 2024)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 C CLARKE (1)57 77.874-1-11.72
2 S CAMPI (2)40 71.493-2-11.33
3 M RICHARDS (3)37 70.504-0-21.12
4 N VAN VUGT (4)39 69.483-0-30.79
5 N SHAW (7)34 69.113-2-10.58
6 C DOBSON (5)29 66.713-0-30.43
7 N HAGAN (10)24 66.443-1-20.50
8 S GOSNEY (11)15 63.302-2-20.43
9 N NEWTON (8)-21 54.422-1-30.36
10 C DAVIES (9)-40 46.971-1-40.22
11 N BARLOW (12)-91 35.421-1-40.22
12 M MCNAMEE (6)-123 28.291-1-40.22
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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