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Sunshine Coast GNOT Zone Final (August 2024)
Results after 9 of 9 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9   Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 C YOUNG (10)21 0 40 -29 44 35 37 17 12  177 131.767-1-110.62
2 C BUSCH (2)6 0 14 -18 -8 0 60 9 55  118 111.375-2-27.97
3 C WATSON (8)17 12 3 17 8 -2 17 -17 13  68 110.497-1-18.01
4 DAWES (4)-6 -27 -14 29 6 2 -1 39 31  59 102.684-2-35.34
5 BELL (1)-21 16 -21 -9 35 0 1 9 -13  -3 87.653-2-42.88
6 WEBBER (9)-6 27 1 -17 -35 -9 11 7 -12  -33 81.343-1-52.52
7 C JADACH (7)6 18 -3 9 -2 -6 -37 -7 -55  -77 75.573-1-52.52
8 C GIBBARDS (5)-13 -12 21 21 -44 6 -11 -9 -31  -72 72.763-0-62.16
9 HOLMES (6)13 -18 -1 18 -6 -35 -17 -9 -29  -84 68.392-1-61.80
10 DAVIES (3)-17 -16 -40 -21 2 9 -60 -39 29  -153 57.992-1-61.80
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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