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Qld Mixed Teams (March 2025)
Results after 8 of 8 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A MAGEE (1)41 47 4 28 3 11 41 41  216 126.978-0-011.18
2 A SOLOMON (3)42 2 4 68 -3 27 39 20  199 119.726-1-18.20
3 A RANKIN (2)60 45 -4 -1 21 -27 31 25  150 109.685-1-26.22
4 A PALFREYMAN (10)66 -3 -4 11 -1 0 -31 29  67 90.343-2-34.29
5 A RIDLEY (4)-25 9 31 20 -6 37 -41 13  38 90.315-0-34.06
6 A JENKINS (9)61 -10 -45 45 0 -4 -19 43  71 89.453-1-43.03
7 A O'BRIEN (5)23 -10 45 5 -21 -37 27 9  41 89.205-0-33.40
8 B SCOTT (15)-42 6 -2 33 37 0 19 -25  26 86.944-2-23.22
9 B JADACH (19)-42 -6 13 46 26 1 16 -41  13 84.884-1-31.89
10 B MILLER (14)-60 13 -31 8 12 26 7 8  -17 83.436-0-22.52
11 B HUDDART (13)-41 -9 -13 -8 31 78 21 -9  50 82.543-0-51.26
12 B RUTTER (20)16 10 -14 -20 -12 35 19 -20  14 82.264-0-41.68
13 B DAVIES (16)25 -47 43 -11 0 -18 -21 59  30 82.253-1-41.47
14 A OLSEN (7)42 -2 14 1 1 -11 -19 -13  13 80.602-3-31.47
15 A MARTIN (6)66 3 1 -5 6 -1 -39 -8  23 80.533-2-31.68
16 B COPPIN (12)63 10 -1 -28 -26 18 -27 0  9 77.843-2-31.68
17 B MUSGRAVE (17)-23 -24 22 -46 1 49 -7 17  -11 76.893-1-41.47
18 A CULLENWARD (8)-16 24 20 -68 48 4 -16 -29  -33 76.134-0-41.68
19 A BECKETT (11)46 -45 -20 -45 -1 38 3 0  -24 74.673-2-31.68
20 B REEVE (22)-66 63 -43 -33 23 -26 -3 -11  -96 59.022-0-60.84
21 B ALLEN (21)-61 8 2 -24 -48 -49 13 11  -148 55.363-1-41.47
22 B CLARKE (23)-46 -13 21 24 -37 -35 8 -59  -137 55.323-0-51.26
23 B DELGADO (18)-66 -63 -21 33 -31 -38 -13 -17  -216 38.311-0-70.42
24 B HEATLEY (24)-63 -8 -22 -33 -23 -78 -8 -43  -278 27.360-0-8  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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