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Qld Open Trials (March 2025)
After 15 matches, the top 3 pairs are the Qld Open Team for 2025.

Results after 15 of 15 matchesMatch Imps (rounded)Totals
Place Pair Names M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10M11M12M13M14M15  Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 RACHEL LANGDON / KIM MORRISON (3)-60-151230-30191324-21751111 72.00 471.738-3-410.45
2 PAUL HOOYKAAS / PELE RANKIN (2)1822-1622-8230-31014914-16-14 73.71 462.518-2-58.25
3 LARRY MOSES / KULDIP BEDI (4)6-11162122-48-19-348410213-5 36.86 443.9110-0-57.33
4 TONY TRELOAR / PETER EVANS (7)6-232-40-8-5-529-119-9-149225 39.00 435.777-2-65.42
5 JAN RANDALL / DON CAMERON (11)-9-461880-93-210723-4-13-7 29.29 424.397-2-64.86
6 MAHA HOENIG / JANEEN SOLOMON (15)-18-61512-131813-72-19213-2-1021 21.14 417.147-1-74.33
7 ANDREW WOOLLONS / NIKOLAS MOORE (16)7-2215-2127-45313-10-72443-21 15.00 405.219-0-63.60
8 MARTIN QIN / CHARLIE LU (8)2211-15-1831417-36-24-3614-216-26 -4.00 402.168-1-63.40
9 PATRICK BUGLER / TIM RUNTING (13)22-28-1940-239-6545-8-14-23-41026 41.86 395.607-0-82.80
10 TERE WOTHERSPOON / SIEGFRIED KONIG (5)-2246-1-275-13-543493118-14-816 -15.57 394.838-1-63.40
11 TERRY STRONG / JILL MAGEE (14)20219-12-3149-730-31-1719-36 -20.14 391.677-2-63.20
12 RICHARD FOX / CHRISTINE NEWBERY (1)-70-6-913-22-6-5836-10-98-6 5.14 388.804-2-92.00
13 ALISON DAWSON / KEN DAWSON (10)-66-32-38-9-27-610-9-18-5-27 -53.86 351.535-2-82.40
14 PAMELA EVANS / JAMES EVANS (6)-22-9153-224-176-3-99-134-1114 -51.57 344.687-0-82.80
15 RALPH PARKER / IAN HALFORD (12)928-15-2228-4-87-13-89-24-19-22-16 -68.00 318.495-0-102.00
16 JOHN LUCK / IVY LUCK (9)-209-69-28-186-29-13-10-4-922-11 -120.86 286.593-2-101.60
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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