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Qld Open Trials (March 2025)
After 15 matches, the top 3 pairs are the Qld Open Team for 2025.

Results after 15 of 15 matches
Place Pair Names Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 RACHEL LANGDON / KIM MORRISON (3)72.00 471.738-3-410.45
2 PAUL HOOYKAAS / PELE RANKIN (2)73.71 462.518-2-58.25
3 LARRY MOSES / KULDIP BEDI (4)36.86 443.9110-0-57.33
4 TONY TRELOAR / PETER EVANS (7)39.00 435.777-2-65.42
5 JAN RANDALL / DON CAMERON (11)29.29 424.397-2-64.86
6 MAHA HOENIG / JANEEN SOLOMON (15)21.14 417.147-1-74.33
7 ANDREW WOOLLONS / NIKOLAS MOORE (16)15.00 405.219-0-63.60
8 MARTIN QIN / CHARLIE LU (8)-4.00 402.168-1-63.40
9 PATRICK BUGLER / TIM RUNTING (13)41.86 395.607-0-82.80
10 TERE WOTHERSPOON / SIEGFRIED KONIG (5)-15.57 394.838-1-63.40
11 TERRY STRONG / JILL MAGEE (14)-20.14 391.677-2-63.20
12 RICHARD FOX / CHRISTINE NEWBERY (1)5.14 388.804-2-92.00
13 ALISON DAWSON / KEN DAWSON (10)-53.86 351.535-2-82.40
14 PAMELA EVANS / JAMES EVANS (6)-51.57 344.687-0-82.80
15 RALPH PARKER / IAN HALFORD (12)-68.00 318.495-0-102.00
16 JOHN LUCK / IVY LUCK (9)-120.86 286.593-2-101.60
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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